Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get active with your Wii: My Favorite work out game is on sale NOW (save $20.00)

One of my patients just told me that EA Sport Active Game (my favorite Wii work out) is on sale at Best Buy for $39.99 (you save $20) today through next Tuesday (March 8th).  I also recommend getting the "more work outs" disc for this game, which has more cardio.  The game comes with a leg strap (for the nun chuck) and resistance bands.

This game is better than the Wii Fit because you are able to pick from preset work outs or create your own custom work outs without pausing between activities. The game includes traditional resistance training activities, challenging mini work outs (like a roller skating game where you squat and jump off ramps), and an obstacle course (in the second disc). There are also ab work outs, step aerobics, and boxing activities.

If you are looking for a work out using the Wii, this is the game for you. You can also use your Wii Fit balance board with this game.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of this video game. It doesn't only give you the satisfaction of playing games, you can also work out with it.
