Monday, April 4, 2011

Steamed chicken and vegetable sandwich with hummus on whole wheat bun

The easy way....
Last night I ordered Chinese food (Steamed chicken and vegetables with sauce on the side) and I wasn't in the mood for more Chinese food today. So I used the left over steamed chicken and veggies for my hummus sandwich today by simply using hummus and a 80 calorie Sara Lee hamburger bun.

Other tips:
- Make sure you measure your hummus, calories from condiments add up.
- Feel free to add different types of vegetables like tomatoes or cucumbers.

My favorite hummus is Wild Garden. Its less calories than many other types of hummus. It can be found at HyVee in the health food section

Cooking your own steamed chicken and vegetables:
You can easily make your own steamed chicken and vegetables in about 20 minutes by cutting up chicken breast and vegetables and using your cook top, a large pot filled with a shallow amount of steaming water, and a steamer basket (inside the pot, water should be below the tray). Cook time is usually only 10-15 minutes. Make sure there is no pink remaining in the chicken before you eat it.

Steamer Basket

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